This was the location of Gumersindo Pardo Reguera’s pharmacy, who was also a painter, and the father of Picasso's best friend, Antonio. The Andalusian boy went there every day to pick him up, taking the opportunity to see the new works of Gumersindo, with whom the boy shared several models, such as Pérez Costales or "La muchacha de los pies descalzos" (The girl with bare feet).

Now that we are in the pharmacy on Calle Real, I’m going to talk to you about my friends… and also about some of the girlfriends I have.

My best friends here are Antonio Pardo Reguera and Constantino Sardina Muíños.

Antonio is going to be a photographer. Constantino, the class nerd, is going to be a priest!

Antonio’s father is a pharmacist, but also a painter, like my father, and like myself.

I like to go to the pharmacy on Calle Real: I pick up Antonio and see what his father, Mr. Gumersindo Pardo Reguera, is painting.

Gumersindo paints very good portraits, and we share some models: his son Antonio, Mr. Ramón Pérez Costales and a girl who I really like… She is a poor girl, who always goes barefoot. She has very big eyes... And chilblains in her feet.

And I'm also in love with Ángeles, the sister of a classmate of mine from school. Her father is a lawyer. She doesn't pay much attention to me: I give her drawings of doves, but I think she'll end up throwing them away...

Authors of the text:
Elena Pardo and Rubén Ventureira